A Crime-Writing Workshop

with Peter Guttridge

Sunday 6th October 2.00pm – 5.00pm
CHANGE OF VENUE: Queen’s Hall, Cuckfield
£30.00 per person


peter guttridgeThis workshop will be limited to a maximum of 15 people to allow for plenty of interaction and audience participation. Please bring pens and paper.

For those who are thinking of writing a crime novel, are partway through writing one, have written the first draft – or even are just fans of the genre – this crime -writing workshop will cover all the bases. Creating characters, plotting and delivering that plot through the narrative, twists and turns and those satisfying endings will all be covered. Whodunnits, whydunnits, howdunnits and straight down the line thrillers will all be referenced in a seminar-style workshop where discussion will be key.

Award-winning crime novelist and former Observer crime fiction critic Peter Guttridge has a wealth of experience teaching crime writing and general writing workshops in universities, libraries and writing retreats and at book festivals.