This is the last update for Cuckfield Book Festival 2019 – it’s difficult to believe that after all the preparation and build-up, the festival is over.
It went very well indeed, from the moment that the elusive sun made an appearance as visitors to the opening event at Borde Hill began their walk round the garden on Thursday 3rd to the final Big Book Group in the Talbot on the Sunday night.
Over 1800 people visited Cuckfield Book Festival over the four days, enjoying talks from authors as varied as Robin Ince, Penelope Lively, John Crace and Jenni Murray. The Queen’s Hall was packed and the volunteers shepherded visitors and provided delicious snacks throughout the day. Down in the Old School, great fun was had, as many children were amused and entertained.
Grateful thanks are due to so many people – the festival simply wouldn’t happen without the amazing volunteers, energetic management team, generous sponsors and of course, the authors who seem to love coming to Cuckfield.
Planning for Cuckfield Book Festival 2020 is only just beginning but one decision has already been made – the dates. Because of various events in Cuckfield in October and early November next year, we are moving to a later date: November 12th – November 15th 2020. We’ll keep you updated in the months ahead but meantime, thank you so much for your interest in Cuckfield Book Festival and we look forward to seeing you again in 2020.