For so many people these past few months have been a time of huge anxiety and fear and we appreciate that to some, having a book festival is perhaps a low priority.  But for others, we hope that the thought of a weekend
of stimulating and live events is much needed to cheer
us on our way and help us to get through these
gloomy days.

Inevitably there have been some programme changes – and there may well be more.  Gavin Mortimer has fallen victim to the quarantine rule as he is at present in France and cannot be in the UK for two weeks before Cuckfield Bookfest.  Toby Young has also had to withdraw.

Cuckfield Bookfest 2020But Alan Judd who was going to be in conversation with Gavin is a multi talented literary person and we are delighted that he has agreed to undertake what will be a fascinating session  – Fiction and Reality in Spy Fiction.


Five of Alan’s novels are spy fictions in the Charles Thoroughgood series and he is the authorised biographer of Mansfield Cumming, founder of MI6 so he’s someone who knows his way around the murky world of spying.

The Cheltenham Literary festival has just ended and it included live events at one of which Iain Dale appeared, in front of a socially distanced audience. “It really can be done, and be enjoyable’ he wrote, so sensing someone who likes literary festivals, we snapped him up. 

Cuckfield Bookfest 2020

Iain is one of Britain’s leading political commentators, a regular contributor to many newspapers and presents an evening show on LBC.  He will be talking about his latest book: Why Can’t We All Just Get Along?



Booking opens on Wednesday 14th October.


Go to /cuckfieldbookfest to book.  Or ring Ticketsource on 0333 666 3366.  If you are coming as a group of six, please book as this group as it means you can be seated as a bubble.


Our Covid-19 expert has carried out a very thorough risk assessment at the Queen’s Hall who has accepted it so we are able to assure you that the hall will be completely safe.  We will be following the government announcements as the festival date approaches and review and revise our protocol if appropriate, or cancel the festival if inevitable. Obviously you are choosing to come to the festival at your own risk when you purchase
a ticket.

For any questions, please contact or visit the website which will have regular updates.


We look forward to welcoming you!

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