Direct Debit Subscriptions

You can use this page to sign up as a Friend or Benefactor using a Direct Debit instruction to your bank.

  • Please note that Direct Debit instructions take a little time to be confirmed by your bank. You will be notified by email as the payment is being set up, and before any money is taken.
  • If you want to use a credit or debit card, then we suggest you use our Friend or Benefactor forms rather than the option below.

When you click on a Pay or Subscribe link below, you will be redirected to a checkout page at our payment processor, Stripe.

  • You can select a recurring subscription, or a single payment for the current year.
  • Friend or Benefactor Membership lasts until 31 December each year.
  • If you select automatic renewal, payment will be repeated annually on the date you originally signed up, using the payment details you provide now. If you would like to make any changes to your subscription, including cancellation, please contact us via
  • Please note that as a Friend or Benefactor, you will receive emails from Cuckfield Bookfest (in line with our privacy policy and GDPR).

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