Only a month to go before the Cuckfield Bookfest 2019 programme is published. We usually time it to be delivered with Cuckfield Life which this August will be on the 13th. The programme will go online that day and bookings will open at or via a link here on the website. For those who prefer to buy tickets in person, Marcus Grimes has kindly agreed to sell tickets.

We are printing many more copies of the programme this year to spread the word much more widely.

Bookfest Supper

The Friday night Ockenden Manor supper this year should be particular fun as Robin Ince is going to be entertaining us. He is co-presenter of The Infinite Monkey Cage with Brian Cox on BBC R4. Robin’s latest book, I’m a Joke and So are You, offers a hilarious and often moving primer to the mind so his performance at the supper will be amusing and thoughtful.  Robin is also on stage on Saturday morning for those who don’t come to the supper – he’ll have more stories from his book .

Jenni Murray

For Woman’s Hour devotees, Jenni Murray is coming to talk about her book A History of the World in 21 Women.
Early on Saturday evening Jill Dawson will be discussing The Language of Birds which The Times has chosen as a crime summer-must read.
In addition to these events, there will be a talk from Tim Waterstone, the founder of the eponymous book shop and John Crace, the parliamentary sketch writer who coined the satirical name Maybot will be intriguing us with more accounts of Westminster shenanigans.

Crime-writing workshop

For would-be crime writers, Peter Guttridge, now a Cuckfield Bookfest fixture and a crime writer himself, is running a crime-writing workshop. The maximum number of people for this is 15, to allow for plenty of inter-activity so this may be the opportunity you have been looking for to emulate Peter James.

Saturday night will feature Simon Wiliams, whose column in the Daily Telegraph was read eagerly and who of course is Justin Elliott, Lilian Bellamy’s partner in The Archers. Simon will be telling all in An Actor’s Life for Me.

 Pat Hegarty, a local author of children’s books, will be running a reading and activity session on Saturday based on her book Moon and we are also delighted that the author of the Waterstones Children’s Illustrated Book Prize 2019, The Girls, is coming to the Old School.

There will be lots more sessions offering a wide variety of subjects and authors including mindfulness, immigration and gardening. Do mark August 13th in your diary and start booking tickets. We’re offering a discount of 10% to everyone who buys 10 tickets for events over both days at £10 each.

Thursday October 3rd afternoon:  Tour of  Borde Hill Garden with the Head Gardener, followed by a talk from Vanessa Berridge.

Thursday October 3rd evening: Literary Quiz.

Friday October 4th evening: Supper at Ockenden Manor.

Saturday and Sunday 5th and 6th October:  Author talks.

And a reminder that the book for the Big Book Group on Sunday evening is In the Full Light of the Sun by Clare Clark.

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