Bookfest September 2018 News

Only two weeks to go until Cuckfield Bookest begins – and there are some tickets left, although some events have been sold out for quite a while. But there’s still the opportunity for some really excellent sessions.. Try Adam Mars-Jones on Saturday morning at...

May 2018 News

This year we are kicking off a day earlier than last year with a literary quiz on Thursday 4 October.  It will take place in the Talbot in Cuckfield so if you think you know your Brontë from your Bryson and your Runyon from your Rowling, this will be just...

April 2018 News

Cuckfest 2018 is now well underway and the organisers have had a fascinating few weeks, looking for possible speakers. We’ve been to literary events in bookshops, heard potential speakers at literary clubs and attended book festivals. And we are always on the lookout...
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